Well, I'm writing about yesterday instead of today
cuz today was boring if you know what I mean
but you don't cuz even I don't know what I mean.
Anywayz, I went to this place called Pearl Hill to help to start to build a stupa.
For those of you people who were much like myself
before looking it up on the web a stupa is
a monumental pile of earth or other material, in memory of Buddha or a Buddhist saint, and commemorating some event or marking a sacred spot.
A dome-shaped monument, used to house Buddhist relics or to commemorate significant facts of Buddhism or Jainism. Also called tope.

They were really heavy so Cai Yi and I passed.
We just sat around and helped pass bricks to people walking up.
Then we gave up and just sat down and ate curry puffs,
after that a little girl came and it was our job to look after her.
She said her name was Pen when we asked her
but she also said Cai Ling's name was Pen so Cai
Yi thought the girl's name was Penny.
For about half an hour we were asking random people who walked by what her name was,
until her mum shouted out Sharene or something can't remember.
Her dad said it was Sharene Lamo and it's in Tibetan or something
Lamo means godess and Sharene
or whatever was something else.
Cai Ling took a picture of her and asked who it was.
She said it was Shimomo and was obviously trying to repeat
what her dad said but couldn't quite do it.
So I said her nickname was Shimomo.
When all the adults had finished carrying all of the bricks
Cai Yi and I decided to see how it was doing. Random people
were throwing bricks down and we kept our distance.
Just in case.
On the way back there were nearly always two ways to go. Cai Yi kept on saying
" No don't go there, it's really hard "
" Are you crazy? "
" You'll fall "
Yet for some reason she kept going the same way
as I was. My way always seemed as safe as the other
but my way I could slide down slowly.
After ten mins break we helped heave up the buckets of sand and Cai Yi
kept on pushing me
and I told her but she denied it.
Oh well. *shrugs*
Then we collected up the empty buckets and piled them up.
We returned immediately for curry puffs. Mum went for second round and I said was tired.
(Big mistake for later)
Had lunch. Took forever for food and drinks to arrive. Didn't eat until drinks arrived.
Went to Aunty Mag's house. Cai Ling asked me to go to skate park. Mum said
if i was tired I couldn't go. =,(
(The BIG Mistake)
Woke up at 2 a.m. Read and played on iTouch until got scolded. Woke up at 8 a.m. later.
I felt restless.
Cool water on face
Good workout got muscles
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